TEXT 5 – Authors:
Flávio Azedo and Jéssica Carrasco (9ºA)
A Perfect Ending
the way back home, after half na hour on the private jet of Jeremy’s
dad, both friends were a little bit bored. Jeremy fell asleep but
something goes wrong…
up, Jeremy! Said Rachel. The plane went off the track.
I don’t believe it, dad, what’s going on? Asked Jeremy scared.
-Are you all
OK? Shouted Jeremy’s dad.
-Yes, but
where are we? Jeremy wanted to know.
worry. The pilot was able to make a good landing and we are in an
island called Sidapon – says dad- We have to stay here until help
arrives, nearly a week. Until then, stay together and everything will
be OK.
nothing, Jeremy. We have to live here inside the plane. Answered dad.
the plane is alright. Said Rachel.
-And there
is still food enough. Jeremy stated.
-Well, we’ll
stay here today and tomorrow we’ll see. Dad said.
A week has
flown by and the friends had to survive with the remaining food and
water. But the worst of all was not having internet.
-Finally the
helicopter arrived! Shouted Jeremy.
safe. Smiled Rachel.
-Boys hurry
up! Ordered dad.
Another great experience has passed and after that they’ll never
see things in exactly the same light as they did before.
3 comentários:
Na minha opinião este "perfect ending" é o melhor, pois, o enredo cativa muito os seus leitores. Tem algo de especial em relação aos outros, tem aventura e um bocado de comédia em relação à linguagem dos jovens e também as diferentes maneiras como cada um reage à chegada do helicóptero: por exemplo o Jeremy reage de forma impaciente, e a Rachel de uma forma muito alegre tendo em conta o tempo em que eles estiveram naquela ilha.
André Oliveira
Na minha opinião este "perfect ending" esta muito bom, pois joga com algum sarcasmo, para além do mais o enredo está adequado e divertido, sendo a parte que mais gosto quando no texto se refere que "o pior foi não haver internet".
A meu ver achei, este "perfect ending" interessante por que tem criatividades interessantes,(aventuras) dando assim mais impacto a maneira de acaba final da historia.
Ana Valadas
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