quinta-feira, maio 12, 2016

A destination or a new beginning? Text 1

No âmbito da "Semana da Leitura 2016" decorreu a atividade What’s the best Perfect Ending of this story? Vote for it by commenting it (Must sign your name), com os alunos do 9ºano de inglês e a docente Susana Moreira, da equipa da biblioteca da E.S.S.
Esta é a parte final !!

TEXT 1 - Authors: Ana Valadas and Vitor Camões (9ºA)

A Perfect Ending
Jeremy’s dad was moved by those children in the refugee academy. He wanted to help them because they had had a hard background so he used his connections and fame to bring the attention to the Malaysian Pandawas Academy, involving his son. After Jeremy’s experience at Pandawas Academy, he will never see things in exactly the same light as he did before.
Back to England Jeremy met the Principal of his school and told him about the experience he had had and that he would like to do something to call his school’s attention to this cause. He had many ideas in his mind: held exhibitions, organizing campaigns, run charity sales… The Principal found the idea brilliant. Jeremy decided to ask his dad for help because he wanted to invite Tiara to share her experience at the Pandawas Academy.
During the last semester Jeremy together with his class got involved in many events. Tiara and Rachel could make to visit Jeremy’s school and they were the center of the attention. Again the local press and radio gave a hand. As a result, all community got involved.

By the end of the school year Jeremy and friends were able to send a ship full of school material to Pandawas Academy.

2 comentários:

Jéssica Carrasco disse...

Na minha opinião, esta última parte que a aluna Ana e o aluno Vitor criaram foi a melhor, pois relata uma ajuda perante a "Pandawas Academy". Comparando com o nosso dia a dia, há muitas escolas, alunos com muitas dificuldades... O que estes alunos aqui escreveram poderia ser uma ideia para nós, adolescentes (geração futura) ajudarmos os outros a partir de atividades, por exemplo.

Jéssica Carrasco (9ºA)

Unknown disse...

Na minha opinião este e o final que melhor completa a história pois tem uma estrutura bem estruturada e fala de uma forma direta e clara sobre uma problema de hoje a falta de condissoes em escolas de países mais pobres
Diogo Mestre